Sunday, November 18, 2012

Communicating Effectively

Effective communication is extremely important to ensure that the message intended is relayed effectively. Without this, communication can be misinterpreted or dismissed.

In the email, the sender seemed desperate in requesting the information needed. It is perceived that Jane was understanding of Mark’s busy schedule but insistent in obtaining her information due to a deadline. It seemed that Mark had delayed and even dismissed her prior requests.

In the voice message, Jane’s voice was more serious and unfriendly than on the email. Her tone of voice was firm and without saying it, it seemed that she was blaming Mark in advance for missing her deadline because he did not send the information required.
The face to face conversation to me did not seem pressing at all. It was friendly and somewhat dismissing of the fact that the information was needed immediately. Jane seemed to be asking rather than telling mark that the information is needed. In this tone, Jane’s request and deadline may not be taken seriously or as serious as on the voice message.

I believe that hearing the message but not seeing a face expression or mannerism made the message more concise and direct. I believe the voice message conveyed the true sense and meaning of how and what was said and the urgency it carried.

I have learned that effective communication is very important. I also learned that it is important to effectively relay the urgency of matters in a way in which it is understood correctly in any way it is relayed. For example, if it is a document you need, it is important that the urgency is expressed effectively to prevent a miscommunication to the receiving party. I also learn that the use of expressions and hand or face gestures can degrade the message being relayed therefore making it ineffective.

Laureate Education. (2011). The Art of Effective Communication. Retrieved November 15, 2012 from:

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