Technical abilities utilizing software
Management skills
Customer focus
Team oriented
Lack of expertise in field
Lack of experience/never held position in ID
Lack of required certification
Development Goals
Job Experiences – Promotion- Attain in Learning and
Development role – A position within the L&D department in my organization
will enable me to enter the field and have the opportunity to begin gaining
experience in the field. I have already
applied for a specialist role within my organization.
Interpersonal Relationships -Coaching – Through coaching
within the L&D team, I will enhance my current knowledge and gain expertise
in the L&D role. I will request the coaching and feedback of my manager and
peers to attain this goal.
Mentoring – I will partner with a professional in the
L&D field under a mentorship program. This will assist me in developing my
skills and obtain support from an experienced individual whom can not only
offer me growth opportunities in learning but also provide feedback and insight
as to the areas in which I would need to focus to achieve my goals. According
to Noe (2013), “a mentor is an experience, productive senior employee who helps
develop a less experienced employee (the protégé)”. As such, as part of my
search for a mentor, I will ensure that the individual whom I select as a
mentor, possesses the experienced required to be an effective model for me.
Formal Education – I will pursue certification in PHR
through additional training and preparation course. I will also pursue
additional training within the L & D field through seminars and trainings
offered by ASTD through which I am a member.
Training and
Development Needs
Obtain hands-on, on the job experience in training and
development, designing and facilitating training
Required experience to qualify for PHR assessment
• Noe,
R. A. (2013). Employee Training and Development. (6th ed.). New York, NY:
McGraw Hill.